News 8 July 2024
AI Dialogue #2 – “The Multiple Actors of International AI Governance”

The aim of this second day of the AI Dialogues was to identify the actors, places and processes through which civil society is or should be a genuine stakeholder in the international governance of AI. The first session reviewed the conclusions of the first day of AI Dialogues, presented in the note entitled “Is international AI governance achievable?“. The late morning and afternoon were devoted to identifying and mapping the actors, processes and places in and through which international AI governance is being shaped.
This second day brought together some twenty experts from a wide range of backgrounds, including academic researchers, private-sector players, and representatives of organizations, international institutions and NGOs:
- Arthur BARICHARD, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (France), Deputy to the Ambassador for Digital Affairs
- Anaïs BICLOT, British Embassy Brussels, Science and Innovation Officer
- Yaniv BENHAMOU, University of Geneva (UNIGE), Associate Professor (Digital Law)
- Sarah BÉRUBÉ, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Policy Analyst – AI Policy Observatory
- Amanda CRAIG, Microsoft, Senior Director, Responsible AI Public Policy
- Jean De MEYERE, UCLouvain, Doctoral student
- Bertrand De LA CHAPELLE, The Datasphere Initiative, Chief Vision Officer
- Elvire FRANÇOIS, Microsoft France, Government Affairs Manager
- Fanny FORTAS, Renaissance Numérique, Rapporteur
- Amin HASBINI, Kaspersky France and North, West & Central Africa, Head of Global Research & Analysis Team (META)
- Théophile LENOIR, Renaissance Numérique, Rapporteur
- Jean-François LUCAS, Renaissance Numérique, General Manager
- Julian MAREL, Renaissance Numérique, Rapporteur
- Enguerrand MARIQUE, UCLouvain, Visiting Professor (Tech Governance & Information Law)
- Diana MOCANU, UCLouvain, Doctoral student
- Philippe RIXHON, Philippe Rixhon Associates Ltd
- Léonard STOCKEL, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (France), Deputy to the Ambassador for Digital Affairs
- Alain STROWEL, UCLouvain, Professor (IP & Media Law)
- Nicolas VANBREMEERSCH, Renaissance Numérique, Chair
- William Van CAENEGEM, Bond University, Professor