About us
Debating and informing choices for a responsible digital society
Renaissance Numérique provides an exclusive forum for discussion, analysis and meetings to debate and inform choices for a responsible digital society.
We bring together members with a wide range of expertise (political, economic, legal, communications, technical, sociological, etc.) and structures (independent experts, consultancies, law firms, non-governmental organisations, universities, institutions, businesses, etc.). This diversity of players and points of view makes Renaissance Numérique a forum for debate, a space for positive confrontation of ideas, which is unique in the landscape of think tanks and digital players in France and Europe.
Created in 2007, Renaissance Numérique is a not-for-profit association under the 1901 law, which is not affiliated to any party, company or structure.
Our missions
We bring together all individuals, teams and organisations wishing to become involved or invest in digital responsibility through their expertise, their commitments or their ability to decide, act and transform their organisation, their business and even society in general.
Through our governance, our economic model, our values and our methodology, we guarantee high-quality, independent, non-partisan production focused on the general interest.
Renaissance Numérique enables the sharing of points of view, expertise and experience, insights and initiatives, with the aim of :
Our values
The values and principles that govern the actions of Renaissance Numérique, its members, its representatives, its employees and its works.
- Diversity: The promise of the think tank and its productions is based on the mobilisation of a diversity of members, stakeholders and expertise, in order to encourage a plurality of points of view.
- Independence: An economic model, governance and production methods that ensure our independence.
- Gender diversity: The think tank is a member of the #JamaisSansElles movement, and is committed to promoting a more egalitarian and gender-aware approach.
- Neutrality: We put a variety of divergent points of view on the table to stimulate a factual, informed debate, free from any partisan rationale or promotion of a particular point of view.
- Rigour: Our work is both scientifically methodical and as educational as possible.
Our sources of financing
Renaissance Numérique’s funding is essentially private. The majority comes from annual membership fees, which range from 60 to 20,000 euros depending on the nature of the member and its turnover or budget.
No single membership fee exceeds 6.35% of the think tank’s resources, which amount to 314,640 euros for 2023. Additional projects, such as events or publications, may be supported or sponsored on an ad hoc basis.
5 reasons for adhering
- Increased expertise in digital transformations: I take part in discussions and debates with a wide range of players, which encourages a positive exchange of ideas and my understanding of the complexity of digital transformations in society.
- Informed deciphering of the digitised society: I contribute to the production of high-quality deliverables that help to build the capacity of key players in the ecosystem.
- Disseminating knowledge: I am involved in the open dissemination of knowledge for a fairer, more inclusive, democratic and sustainable digital society.
- High-level meetings: I meet experts and talented people who are interested in the human, economic, social and ecological impacts of digital technology.
- Contributing to the general interest: I help to steer public policy in the direction of the general interest.